Tools and instructions enabling you to maximize the potential of your Hostwinds product and service experience.
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McMyAdmin offers a wide variety of tools to help manage and control your server. One of these many tools is the Console area. This console provides information both about the server and inside the server and acts to actively monitor your server and the players. The console...
WordPress is one of our most popular Website builders. It allows you to build sites with a MySQL backend and PHP processing. We're going to focus on getting this installed on Ubuntu 16.04 using the terminal. Before we begin, there are a few other things that need to be taken...
Along with the Graphical Statistics page in your SHOUTcast control panel. The Live Statistics page can also provide insight into how many listeners you are getting on your station. The Live Statistics page shows a basic overview of what is happening right now on your station...
This article describes how Hostwinds VPS and Cloud clients can obtain updates from Windows Update in Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2008. This is highly suggested after any Windows Updates are released to keep your server as fast and secure as...
While configuring and using FTP within a Windows server, FTP is the preferred method for file transfer. An RDP connection does have the ability to transfer files. We strongly recommend only using this for small-size file transfers as the speed at which an RDP file transfer...
When you manage your SHOUTcast station, whether it be for podcasts or music, it is practical to monitor your views to see what is popular on your station. That way, you can properly curate your content to fit your audience based on what you see attracts more visitors....
While Hostwinds does not offer direct support for third-party applications such as Dreamweaver, we do like to offer as much assistance as possible, even for things we may not directly support. With that in mind, we have compiled these steps to help you with configuring...
McMyAdmin 2 makes monitoring and managing your Minecraft server quick and easy. One of the most useful options available in McMyAdmin is the Server Status, which provides you with real-time information about the server's status, resource usage, as well as quick commands for...
One of the best things you can do to protect your SHOUTcast station and your files is to change your password often. Changing your password often will reduce the risk of anyone else gaining access to your account. How To Change Your SHOUTcast Password It is assumed that you...
Sometimes, you want to add custom code to your WordPress site. You may want to code a hyperlink by hand, or adjust text size, for example. Well, you've come to the right place. Here's a list of HTML tags allowed by WordPress: address, a abbr, acronym, area, article, aside, b...
Before you can start jamming out and putting content out for your listeners, you will need first to log in. The steps to log in to your SHOUTCast Control Panel are very similar to logging into a cPanel account. However, the SHOUTCast plans do not have a dedicated IP address....
There may come a time when you have a directory that you want only certain people to access. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as through the .htaccess file . Or other methods depending on your control panel. This guide will be describing how this can be done...
If you have installed WordPress, you may see that there is a file called wp-config.php . The name of the file actually gives away its purpose. This file is meant to be a configuration file for your WordPress installation. In it, you will find the database connection details...
If you are working through cPanel or any Linux machine, you may have heard the term permissions . This is odd to hear at first, but essentially, these determine who has access to what files. For example, if you have your website, you will want visitors to view your website...
Email Headers are resourceful when gathering important information concerning an email. Normally headers involve KEY: VALUE pairs, providing organized data typically involving routing information, like names, dates, and subjects. Emails on occasions will have issues, whether...
This guide is about running a virus scanner on your cPanel. This is intended to check if your web hosting files or cPanel email have acquired any malware by using the built-in tool included with your account. How To Run the Scan Login to your cPanel Scroll down to the...