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How to Choose a Web Hosting Provider Featured Image

by: Hostwinds Team  /  April 10, 2023

When it comes to building a website, selecting the right web hosting provider is crucial to ensure website performance and user experience. The type of web hosting, hosting features, customer support, security, pricing, and reputation of the provider are all important...

Web Hosting Security: Protecting Your Website and Users Featured Image

by: Hostwinds Team  /  April 7, 2023

In today's world, where more and more business transactions are taking place online, web hosting security has become a critical issue. With the increase in cybercrime, it is essential to ensure that your website and its users are protected from malicious attacks. In this...

Windows NTFS Streams Featured Image

by: Karlito Bonnevie  /  May 24, 2022

Since 1995, the Microsft Windows NTFS file system has supported streams. In fact, all NTFS "files" are actually streams. What we normally think of as a file in NTFS is more precisely called a default data stream. A default data stream is unnamed. What's an unnamed data...

The Power of PowerShell Featured Image

by: Karlito Bonnevie  /  April 29, 2022

When comparing the commands of the traditional Windows command-line interface (CLI) with those of a Linux CLI, there's really no comparison. There is nothing in the traditional Windows CLI (cd, dir, copy, del, etc.) as powerful as awk, sed, head, tail, tsort, uniq, split,...

The Art of Network Redundancy Featured Image

by: Hostwinds Team  /  December 21, 2021

By utilizing diverse methods to send data, networking engineers do their best to ensure customers never notice a network outage. Network engineers perform this by constructing multiple communication pathways to create connections between data points, such as a router to a...

Considering Hosting and Don't Know What To Ask?  Ask Hostwinds Featured Image

by: Hostwinds Team  /  November 24, 2021

In today's world, technology is changing rapidly, which is especially true for the cloud. With all these changes, it may become difficult to determine what hosting products fit your needs. Whether you're just beginning your journey to host your first website or looking to...

Welcome Back To Hostwinds Featured Image

by: Dustin Waggoner  /  November 10, 2021

Welcome Back To Hostwinds You may have noticed some changes lately at Hostwinds, and we wanted the opportunity to tell you all about it. In 2010 Hostwinds was created with one vision. That vision was to provide a superior hosting service at an affordable cost to the world....

What is Network Redundancy? Featured Image

by: Hostwinds Team  /  February 8, 2020

.What is Network Redundancy? Network redundancy refers to the inclusion of additional or backup network resources—such as hardware, devices, or connections—that allow uninterrupted network availability even in the event of failures or disruptions. For example, if a server or...