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Tags: Plesk, Optimization
As far as control panels are concerned, Plesk offers its subscribers the ability to have a rich user interface to manage their servers. It is generally suggested to use a Windows hosting environment that many Hostwinds clients choose to use for their VPS.
The minimum amount of RAM required for installing and running Plesk.
Linux Windows 512 MB + 1 GB swap 2 GB
Learn how to add a swap file on Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, and CentOS 7.
The minimum amount of free disk space required for installing and running Plesk.
Linux Windows 10 GB 30 GB
Our recommendations are based on the following presumptions:
If the above is true, we recommend having 1GB of RAM for every 40-50 websites on a shared hosting node.
If you are hosting websites that generate more traffic (5-10 simultaneous visitors per website, between 1000 and 30000 unique visitors per website), we recommend having between 500 MB and 1 GB of RAM per website.
In addition, having sufficient disk space for memory swapping is highly recommended:
Amount of RAM on the server Recommended free disk space for swapping Less than 1 GB or more 1/2 * the amount of RAM.
We recommend having this much disk space for hosting:
Hosting Recommended free disk space for websites Typical shared hosting (100-500 websites per server) Between 2 and 2.5 GB per website Dedicated VPS hosting (1-10 websites per server) Between 4 and 12 GB per website
Plesk can be installed on either Linux or Windows VPS, and you can purchase the license from Hostwinds here. Furthermore, upon request in a ticket, our technical support will assist with any installation needs as long as the service is managed and not unmanaged. Resources for Plesk gathered from their official website here.
Written by Hostwinds Team / May 29, 2018