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Table of Contents

Differences Between Wget and cURL
Purpose and Flexibility
Performance and Efficiency
Command Structure
Common Commands for Wget and cURL
Basic Authentication
Digest Authentication
Custom Headers
Retry Configuration

Wget vs cURL: Differences and Common Commands

Tags: Dedicated Server,  VPS,  Linux 

Differences Between Wget and cURL
Purpose and Flexibility
Performance and Efficiency
Command Structure
Common Commands for Wget and cURL
Basic Authentication
Digest Authentication
Custom Headers
Retry Configuration

Wget and cURL are two popular command-line utilities commonly used in web hosting for downloading files, making HTTP requests, and automating tasks. They allow you to interact with remote servers and offer a variety of features for different use cases.

This guide will outline the key differences between Wget and cURL to help you understand when and how to use each tool effectively in web hosting environments. We will also provide examples of common commands to help you start using each tool right away.

Differences Between Wget and cURL

Generally speaking, both programs can perform similar tasks, like downloading files and making HTTP requests. However, their task execution and output differ – this divergence is due to variations in syntax, command-line options, and default behaviors, all of which can influence how you interact with each tool and its most appropriate use cases.

Let's take a look at some of the main attributes that separate Wget and cURL apart from each other.

Purpose and Flexibility

Wget is primarily designed for downloading files and mirroring websites. It has various built-in features for an easier out-of-the-box  user experience.

cURL is designed for transferring data to and from a server, supporting a wide range of protocols and request types (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). It is more flexible and best suited to work with APIs and complex data transfers.


Wget has a simpler and more user-friendly syntax for downloading files or mirroring websites.

cURL has a more complex syntax but offers greater flexibility and control over requests and responses.


Both tools support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and other protocols, but cURL supports a much broader range of protocols, including SMB, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, and more.

Performance and Efficiency

Wget is typically used for straightforward file downloading, with built-in features for resuming downloads and recursion.

cURL is Known for its speed and efficiency, and its ability to handle complex data transfers and API interactions.

Command Structure

Both Wget and cURL offer simple and familiar command structures. For example, take a look at the following commands for downloading a web file:




curl -O

Both tools provide various options for customizing your downloads, such as setting timeouts, specifying headers, and handling redirects.

Common Commands for Wget and cURL

Both tools offer several features for handling tasks, such as authentication, proxy settings, cookies management, and custom headers. Let's explore these features with some examples:


Both Wget and cURL support basic and digest authentication for verifying user identity before gaining access to the server.

Basic Authentication

Wget: You can use the --user and --password commands to specify basic authentication credentials.

wget --user=username --password=yourpassword

cURL: You can use the -u command to specify basic authentication credentials in the format username:password

curl -u username:yourpassword
Digest Authentication

Wget: supports digest authentication using the same --user and --password options.

wget --user=username --password=yourpassword --auth-no-challenge

Note: --auth-no-challenge tells Wget to send the authentication credentials to the server immediately, without waiting for a challenge (also known as a 401 Unauthorized response). By default, Wget waits for the server to respond with a challenge before sending the authentication credentials.

cURL: To use digest authentication, specify the --digest command along with the -u command for credentials.

curl --digest -u username:yourpassword


Proxy commands allow you to route your internet traffic through a proxy server. This can be helpful for accessing resources through restricted networks, controlling traffic, and enhancing security and privacy.

Wget: Use the --proxy command to specify a proxy URL, or configure the environment variable http_proxy.

wget --proxy=

cURL: Use the --proxy command to specify a proxy URL.

curl --proxy


The cookies command can read and write cookies from and to files, allowing you to manage session data and cookies for subsequent requests. This can help ensure smooth and consistent interactions with web services that use cookies for tracking sessions or maintaining user states.

Wget: Use the --load-cookies and --save-cookies commands to specify files for loading and saving cookies.

wget --load-cookies=cookies.txt --save-cookies=new_cookies.txt

cURL: Use the -b command to specify a cookie file to load and the -c command to specify a cookie file to save.

curl -b cookies.txt -c new_cookies.txt

Custom Headers

Custom header command allows you to specify additional HTTP headers to be included in requests. This can be useful for customizing requests to meet the specific requirements of a server or API, such as setting authentication credentials, specifying content types, or modifying cache-control behavior.

Wget: Use the --header command to specify custom headers

wget --header="Accept: application/json"

cURL: Use the -H command to specify custom headers.

curl -H "Accept: application/json"

Retry Configuration

Both Wget and cURL can be configured for retries in case of failed downloads. This is particularly useful when dealing with unstable network connections or servers that may temporarily be unavailable.

Wget allows you to specify the number of retries with the --tries option.

For example, if you want to attempt to download a file up to 5 times if it fails:

wget --tries=5

cURL allows you to specify the number of retries with the --retry option. You can also set the delay between retries with the --retry-delay option.

For example, to attempt downloading a file up to 3 times with a 5-second delay between retries:

curl --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 -o file.txt

In both cases, you can configure retries to increase the chances of a successful download, especially in environments with unreliable network connections.


Wget and cURL are both powerful tools capable of performing similar tasks, though their output varies:

  • Choose Wget for its simplicity and reliability, particularly when mirroring websites and downloading files.

  • Consider cURL if you need advanced capabilities, faster performance, or broader protocol support.

Deciding between the two should depend on the specific task you want to accomplish. Explore both tools to understand their nuances and determine which one best meets your needs.

Written by Hostwinds Team  /  July 26, 2019