Either as an admin or a non-admin user, you can create website domains that will also optionally work for email.
Step 1: Log into Vesta at YourServerIP:8083 on your server.
Step 2: Click the Web section of the header.
Step 3: Click the green + to add a Web Domain.
Step 4: Enter your domain name.
The IP address should be populated with the main one for your server, but other options may be present if you have more than one.
By default, Vesta will add DNS and Mail support for a domain when adding it as a Web domain.
Advanced options:
Vesta will automatically add the www. alias for your domain. Enter any others you have in the Aliases box.
Vesta comes with an Nginx proxy in front of the Apache webserver. Leaving Proxy Support checked should speed up websites hosted from the server.
SSL support is available, including free certificates through Lets Encrypt. You can also use this section of Vesta to generate a Certificate Signing Request or manually enter the details of a certificate generated or purchased elsewhere.
The two Web Statistics options are Webalizer and Awstats. Vesta will have links to these in the 'web' section on the domain if chosen here.
You can also add extra FTP accounts for your domain at this time.
All of these settings can be changed later, as well.
Step 5: Once you are done entering information, click Add. There will be a notification across the top of the form if successful.
Step 6: Build your website. Use the Apps option at the top of Vesta to launch Softaculous and install a script on your domain. Or, you can FTP into the server and upload files manually. Your webroot will be at: