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How To Edit ProFTPD Server Configuration Files In Virtualmin

Tags: Virtualmin 

With Virtualmin, you can use the Edit Config Files module to edit your server's FTP-related configuration files. This guide will show you how to accomplish this using Virtualmin. Please note that you'll first need to have Virtualmin installed and be logged into Virtualmin with Webmin access. If you have any doubts regarding how this is done, please refer to the following guides:

You can access the Edit Config Files module to edit your ProFTPD server configuration files by utilizing the following steps:

  1. Click on the Webmin section
  2. Click on the Servers option
  3. Select the ProFTPD Server module
  1. Select Edit Config Files
  1. You can make any changes to the configuration file that you deem necessary in the Edit Config Files interface.
  2. Once you're satisfied, you can click the Save button to save any edits that you have made.

Written by Michael Brower  /  June 22, 2017