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How Do I Create A Reseller Account in WHM?

Creating A Reseller Account

Tags: Web Hosting,  Reseller 

How Do I Create A Reseller Account in WHM?

This option is available via the WHM interface and will allow you to create new cPanel accounts, making them reseller accounts within the process.  Your log-in information about your WHM/cPanel account will be sent to your registered email on file.

This guide is intended for Hostwinds clients with a Cloud VPS Server or Dedicated Server with a cPanel license and access to WHM.

How Do I Create A Reseller Account in WHM?

To create a Reseller account in WHM, you need to:

  1. Log on to your WHM account
  2. Enter "create" in the search bar in the upper left
  3. Click on the result: Create a New Account
  1. Fill out the New Account form.
  2. Once you reach the Reseller Settings on the form, check the box called "Make the account a reseller."
    a. If you'd like the owner to be able to modify the account check the box "Make the account own itself."
  1. Finish the form and click the Create button

Written by Hostwinds Team  /  June 5, 2021